Thursday, January 29, 2015

Going Green with Elinz LED Light Bars

When it comes to buying lighting devices for automotive use, most shoppers would opt for those that are affordable and durable. But with the growing concerns about the environment, car owners must look beyond the affordability and durability of the lighting devices they are purchasing. They should also consider the ecological impact and benefits of buying such lighting equipment. If you are looking for environment-friendly lighting devices, therefore, you should consider Elinz LED light bars.

Environmental benefits of LEDs
If you're planning to install a new lighting device in your truck, UTE, or 4WD, make sure you choose a light bar fitted with LED light bulbs. Not only they can benefit you in the long run, they are much safer to the environment, too.

No 1: LEDs are longer-lasting. LED lights last as much as 20 times longer than other lighting sources. Because of this quality, they don't need to be replaced that often. This helps reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing, packaging, and shipping. According to experts, LEDs are also designed to provide more than a decade of near maintenance-free. So the less servicing they need, the less damage they will make on the environment.

No 2: LEDs consume less energy. One of the obvious benefits of using an LED light bar is that it consumes way less energy than halogen and even high intensity discharge (HID) lights. Studies have shown that LEDs burn 25% to 80% less energy than standard lighting systems. This translates to larger carbon emission reductions.

No 3: LEDs don't have mercury in them. While mercury is necessary in the manufacturing of some lighting devices, as well as certain industrial, commercial, and household equipment, it is quite dangerous to the environment and to all living creatures. When not handled properly, the mercury in lighting devices can seep into the water supply and adversely affect sea life and those who eat it. Fortunately, LEDs don't have mercury in them so installing LED lights in your vehicle reduces the risk of mercury poisoning and contamination.

No 4: LED lights are often made with recyclable materials. Light bars with LEDs in them are more environment-friendly because the materials used in manufacturing them are fully recyclable. For instance, the extruded aluminium heat sink used in an LED light bar is often made using 80% post-industrial recycled materials. And when the light bar is no longer in use, the housing can be taken apart and recycled again to be used in the manufacturing of other products.

So if you want to contribute efforts to saving the environment, choosing an LED light bar is definitely something you must do. Meanwhile, if you're looking for energy-efficient, affordable, and environment-friendly lighting devices for your car, check out Elinz Electronics.

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