Thursday, November 5, 2015

LED Light Bars: Installation and Mounting Rules You Should Know

LED light bars are amongst the most popular car accessories in Australia. But as with certain types of vehicle add-ons, there are rules regarding the installation and placement of such lighting devices. And to make matters more complicated, these rules slightly differ from one state to another as each part of the country has its own road authority. This basically means that what is legal and allowed in one state may not be the same in another. And because the national road authorities have yet to amend the existing design rules, there are also certain inconsistencies in them.

To avoid getting into trouble, here are excerpts of design rules telling you where you can legally mount your light bars in certain states.

1. They should be fitted in pairs - As far as possible, the lighting devices must be installed symmetrically in pairs to the front of your car. If they are not fitted in pairs, they must be placed in the front and centre of the vehicle.

2. Four is the maximum number - Only up to four driving lamps can be fitted to your vehicle.

3. They should not cause driver discomfort - The LED light bar in Australia must not obstruct the driver's view of the road. It should not also cause discomfort to the driver either directly or by reflection.

4. They should work with the main or high beam - The light bars must only be switched on/off when the high beam of your headlights is turned on/off.

South Australia
1. They should be installed in pairs of between 2 and 4 lights - The lighting devices must be installed in a forward facing position and symmetrically in pairs of two or four lights. If they are not fitted as pairs, they must be placed in the centre line of the vehicle.

2. Placing lighting devices on the roof of the vehicle is allowed.

3. You can use an isolator switch – The light bars may be fitted with an isolator switch so when you turn on the high beam, the LED bar light online will remain switched off.

4. They should not cause problems to other road users – The lighting devices must not be fitted or used in a way that they would dazzle or cause problems to other road users.

Western Australia
 Mounting rules in WA are quite similar to those in VIC and SA with a few notable exceptions. Here are some of them.

1. Placing the light bars higher than the front edge of the bonnet is not allowed.

2. The light bars must be fitted with a manual switch that is accessible to the driver from the normal driving position.

3. The light bars must emit white light. Other colours are prohibited.

Whether you are using LED light bar for 4WDs, trucks, or other types of vehicles, make sure to take note of these design rules, especially if you are travelling interstate.